OK, I know it has been a REALLY long time. I have been really busy and in a bit of a funk lately. My husband is headed out to the sandbox soon so I am spending as much time with him as possible. I have also been volunteering at my church's preschool. My best friend is the director and we have been busy working on a curriculum for her teachers. I have discovered the joy of File Folder games, fun hands-on activities that teach kids a specific skill in a fun way. I have been using my scrapbooking skills to make unique file folder games for her pre-school. (If you want to see them, let me know and I will post a few of them!) Anyhow, I thought you guys may be able to use the graphics I have been using to make my file folder games to make scrapbook supplies! Over the next few weeks, I will be posting black and white, clip art images that I am pretty sure are royalty free. They have either been made by me, downloaded from royalty free websites, or scanned from old coloring books around my house that have no copyright information. So feel free to use them however you wish. I named the kit after my youngest daughter and this is the first part of 26.

here to download!
If you are looking for more freebies, try
Digifree for a Ton of great freebies!
Another place to find freebies is
Creative Busy Hands for more freebies!
Happy Scrapping!